Al Gore: U.S. Democracy Has Been Hacked, Internet Can Help Save It Feb 3rd 2013, 19:50 Former Vice President Al Gore spoke in favor of leveraging the Internet against big business and politicians, saying corporations have "hacked" democracy in the U.S. Discussing his new book, The Future, Gore explained to the BBC that global electronic communications is one of the six drivers of change, and it's necessary to combat big money. "Our democracy has been hacked," Gore says. "The operating system has been taken over and turned to uses that are somewhat different than the ones our founders intended to emerge." His proposed solution is to use the Internet as a force of good to revitalize democracy, emphasizing the prominence of fact-checking and citizen journalists. Gore t… Continue reading... More About: al gore, internet, U.S. government, US & World | Fedora 18 Officially Released for IBM System z 64-bit Feb 3rd 2013, 19:25 Dan Horák announced that the Fedora 18 (Spherical Cow) operating system for IBM System z (s390x) 64-bit systems is now available for download.
Dubbed Spherical Cow, the Fedora 18 operating system brings many exciting features, enhancements and updated packages, among which we can mention a greatly improved Anaconda installer, the GNOME 3.6 desktop environment, as well as the lightweight Xfce 4.10 and MATE desktops.
"Fedora 18 GA release for the IBM System z is her... (read more) | Hands-On With the Week's Top Apps Feb 3rd 2013, 19:16 This week brought with it a ton of great new apps. A new app from THX helps you make sure you've got your home theater set up perfectly, and Grubwithus released a new iPhone app to help you find new friends to have dinner with. Facebook added the ability to record and share video to its app, and Android owners finally got the ability to experience Epic Games' Epic Citadel. Curious what these new apps really look like? Check out the video above for a visual run-through of some of our top apps of the week. Have you given any of this week's top apps a try? Tell us about your favorites in the comments. More About: android, App, apps, iphone | Linux Mint 15 Will Be Named Olivia Feb 3rd 2013, 19:00 Clement Lefebvre, father of the Linux Mint project, announced a few days ago that the codename for the upcoming Linux Mint 15 operating system will be Olivia.
Linux Mint 15 (Olivia) will be available for download at the end of May 2013, and it will be distributed as separate Cinnamon, MATE, KDE and Xfce editions.
As you can see, there wi... (read more) | Watch Budweiser's Heartwarming Super Bowl Ad Feb 3rd 2013, 18:51 Maybe you should grab a tissue while you reach for your beer. Budweiser departs from its string of its light-hearted, comedic commercials to tug at your heartstrings in this new Super Bowl ad. In this year's commercial, "The Clydesdales: Brotherhood," a horse breeder raises his foal to become one of the beer's famous Clydesdale horses. Cue tear-jerking scenes of the baby animal taking its first steps, the owner sleeping in the stable, and the horse running alongside his moving car. SEE ALSO: The 10 Best Super Bowl Ads of All Time Then comes the fateful day when Budweiser comes to pick up the horse, and the two part until the Clydesdales make an appearance in Chicago, where the… Continue reading... More About: Super Bowl, Super Bowl ads, super bowl commercials | Exclusive: SNL's Fred Armisen on Social Media's Role In Television Feb 3rd 2013, 18:41 If you haven't seen Fred Armisen on television, then chances are you recognize him from the web. The Saturday Night Live and Portlandia star has impersonated everyone from Steve Jobs to President Obama, turning himself into a bit of a viral video star in the process. While you might have seen Armisen's face around the web, Armisen himself doesn't have a presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter. The reason? He doesn't think he's any good at social networking. "When I do something I want to be good at it. I don't go out and play jazz music because I'm not good at it; I'm not an athlete. I don't play football. I leave it to other people. Social media: I don't think I'm good at it," t… Continue reading... More About: apple, Fred Armisen, Portlandia | Happy Superb Owl Sunday! Feb 3rd 2013, 18:35 Hey, everyone, it's Superb Owl Sunday. Hoo is having the best weekend of the year? Our nocturnal bird of prey buddy, the owl. Sorry, NFL. An easy slide of the space in Super Bowl makes it Superb Owl, delighting birdbrained non-football fans. Superb Owl is superb…— Shane (@shanegoulette) February 3, 2013 I have prepared many offerings of nachos for the Superb Owl.— Frank Talamo (@frank_talamo) February 3, 2013 The clever folks over at McSweeney's even came up with a list of words that could be used to describe both the Super Bowl and Superb Owl: Unpredictable Head-turning Majestic Fast-paced Expensive Bone-crunching Spirited A… Continue reading... More About: cute animals, humor, Super Bowl, Watercooler | MintBox Basic Is Now 20% Off Feb 3rd 2013, 18:35 Clement Lefebvre announced a few days ago that the Linux Mint project, in collaboration with CompuLab, has a special offer for the Basic edition of the mintBox mini PC: 20% off!
Yes, that’s right! The price for MintBox Basic has been reduced from $476 (348 EUR) to $379 (277 EUR). Among the highlights of mintBox Basic we can mention:
· APU G-T40N 1.0 GHz dual core; · Radeon HD 6290 – 9W; · 4GB RAM; · Dual-head display ... (read more) | GO Launcher EX for Android 3.28 Now Available for Download Feb 3rd 2013, 18:26 One of the most popular applications for Android devices, GO Launcher EX has just been updated with new improvements and options.
First of all, those who like the themes offered by developers will now be able to download all the paid themes through the newly introduced service.
In addition, developers have added an entry of media manager in menu, which can be accessed by going to Menu / Plugins / GO media manager.
Several improvements have been included in the ... (read more) | Super Bowl 2013 By the Numbers Feb 3rd 2013, 18:07 Looking forward to Super Bowl XLVII this weekend, kicking off on Sunday at 6:30 p.m. ET on CBS? We certainly are, and to enhance your enjoyment, we've set out to discover just how super the Super Bowl really is. We wanted to find out about records broken in advertising, viewers and players, as well as the technology of CBS's video coverage, a little local color about New Orleans and its venerable Superdome, and some perspective of Super Bowls from days gone by. So if you couldn't shell out $3,000 for a ticket to the Super Bowl in the Superdome in New Orleans, no need to fret. You'll be able to see the game (and its 47 minutes of commercials) much better on your TV set at home, anyway.… Continue reading... More About: By the Numbers, Super Bowl, Super Bowl 2013, Super Bowl XLVII | Job Recruiters Lack Mobile Edge, Study Says Feb 3rd 2013, 17:52 With smartphone adoption rates on the rise, it seems like it's possible to do almost anything from the comfort of your cellphone -- why should applying for a job be any different? For applicants, it wouldn't be such a hassle, really, if job recruiters would get on board with the idea. Although a growing number of job seekers use their mobile devices to seek out career opportunities, employers are still behind on implementing mobile recruitment strategies to cater to applicant needs, according to a study published by online recruiting research lab Potentialpark. For the study, Potentialpark surveyed more than 25,000 job seekers worldwide and analyzed the mobile career presence of nearly… Continue reading... More About: contributor, Feature, job recruiting, job search series, mashable, smartphone | Nokia 808 PureView Receiving Software Update, Adds New Twitter and Flickr Options Feb 3rd 2013, 17:46 Even though Nokia recently confirmed the PureView 808 will be its last Symbian smartphone, it appears that the Finnish company continues to deliver update for handsets powered by Belle OS.
The folks over at AllAboutSymbian report a new software update is available for Nokia 808 PureView, as well as for other Belle FP2 smartphones.
According to them, the update bring a few improvements to application that are already installed on the devices, such as Flickr and Twitter. read more) | Collective #49 Feb 3rd 2013, 17:33 Inspirational Website of the Week  The website of Grey Matter Group is our pick this week. The design and marketing firm’s online portfolio has a really interesting navigation and some slick effects. Get inspired ZenPen – The minimal editor for the modern man  Zenpen is a web app for writing minimally while all information is persistant locally, using HTML5 local storage, and sharable via URL Hashes. It was developed by Tim Holman and it is available on GitHub. Check it out Carousels  An analysis of the omnipresent carousel or content slider by Brad Frost. Read it Extra Strength Responsive Grids  ESRG by John Polacek is an ultra-strong responsive grid system that will take your grid pain away. Check it out Ouroboros Sass/CSS Spinner  Tom Genoni created some smooth and slick spinners with Sass and he explains some interesting facts about his experiment. Check it out How to Make a Tumblr-powered News Ticker  In this tutorial by Martin Angelov you can learn how to develop a widget which cycles through the most recent posts on a Tumblr blog and presents them as news items. Check it out Simulate “Float: Down”  A great write-up by Hugo Giraudel on a very specific and interesting layout problem where containers should float vertically instead of horizontally. Read it Advanced HTML & CSS: Preprocessors  The Advanced Guide to HTML & CSS has another great chapter that will teach you everything you need to know about CSS preprocessors. Read it The main issue Read about the latest developments of the suggested “main” element in this article by Jeremy Keith. Read it CSS3 Stamp effect using radial gradients  A very interesting CSS-only method to create a stamp effect using radial gradients behind an image. Check it out Free Font: Brooklyn Font  Paul Reis created this interesting display font that is full of character. It’s a calligraphy-based typeface and you can download it for free. Check it out What We Learned in 2012  What have we learned in 2012? Read the interesting experiences of some of the authors of A List Apart and find out more. Read it modern.IE  Modern.IE is a new set of tools to help you support modern and older versions of Internet Explorer. Check it out Navigation in Lists: To Be or Not To Be An interesting take on the “navigation as list” dogma by Chris Coyier with a great discussion. Read it Canvas Query  Canvas Query is a wrapper library for the HTML5 Canvas element which allows it to be used with a jQuery-like syntax. Check it out Step by step from jQuery to Backbone Get a better understanding of the core abstractions in Backbone.js and learn how to properly move from JavaScript to Backbone.js in this in-depth tutorial by Kim Joar Bekkelund. Read it How To Create HTML5/CSS3 Columns for All Browsers  Learn how to create a cross-browser columned layout in this tutorial by Jake Rocheleau. Read it Free Font: Capita Light  Capita is a serif-dominated face in a new style created by Hoftype. You can get the light version for free. Check it out Dance to make Music  Create a song when with your (dance)moves. A great experiment by Karen Peng. Check it out Flight  Flight is a light-weight, component-based JavaScript framework that maps behavior to DOM nodes. Twitter uses it for their web applications. Check it out BalanceText A jQuery plugin to provide an alternate text wrapping algorithm that will allow for a better text balancing across lines. Check it out Onepager  Easily build a simple beautiful website for your small business with Onepager. They also offer a forever free plan with a limited feature set. Check it out Toolbar.Js  Toolbar allows you to quickly create tooltip style toolbars for web applications and websites. You can easily customise it. Check it out Free Font: Bispo Nova  Bispo (Nova) is a free font by Jackson Alves. It’s a script typeface family made based on italic chancery calligraphy. Check it out | Why 'Allure' Magazine Is Still Thriving in the Age of YouTube Feb 3rd 2013, 17:21 The magazine industry had little to celebrate at the close of 2012, with ad pages down 8.2% across the industry, according to figures published by the Publishers Information Bureau. But Linda Wells, founding editor of Allure magazine, and Agnes Chapski, its publisher, did. The Conde Nast-owned title finished the year with a monthly average of 432 ad pages in the fourth quarter, up 12.7% from the same quarter last year. Why, with the proliferation of free online makeup content on beauty blogs and YouTube channels, is a print magazine doing so well? Allure's success can be attributed partly to a favorable advertising environment. Across 12 print advertising categories, only two -- toiletrie… Continue reading... More About: allure, conde nast, magazines, Media | Script of the Day: Phire CMS Feb 3rd 2013, 17:01 Suitable for blogs, static websites or complicated intranets, Phire CMS is an advanced toolkit for easy but quick website building. Developed on top of its own PHP framework, Phire is a powerful CMS with features rivaling renowned CMSs like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla. If the Phire CMS core does not cover a project's requirements, the system can easily be extended via themes and plugins for a much broader scope. To get started with the CMS, documentation ... (read more) | Beyoncé Gives Mic to a Fan, Dogs and Apes Rejoice Feb 3rd 2013, 16:46 To get you warmed up for Beyoncé's halftime performance at the Super Bowl tonight, we found this prime example of what the singing superstar should definitely not do tonight in front of hundreds of millions of viewers. There she is, innocently singing her song and strolling down the aisle, when a fan pleads with her ... for something. But Beyoncé, that fan's not asking you for the mic, is she? Even if she were, don't give in. Don't do it. Ever. You never know what's going to happen. SEE ALSO: Watch Beyonce Stunningly Address Her Lip-Syncing Controversy Thank you, dogs and orangutans in the video, for your opinion about this surprise vocalization. Are they vocalizing because t… Continue reading... More About: beyonce, Super Bowl, viral videos | Watch: Baby Panda Desperately Tries to Wake Up Its Mom Feb 3rd 2013, 15:21 More often than not, moms are the ones who find themselves unable to wake up their adorable young ones. Still, the video above pretty much overturns this cliché, seeing how the baby panda is the one experiencing some very serious difficulties in waking up its mother. Truth be told, having a baby does takes its toll on one's sleep regime, so nobody can truly blame this panda mom for wanting to rest for a while. The footage was shot at an animal p... (read more) | Linux Kernel Regression Fixed in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Feb 3rd 2013, 15:15 On February 1, Canonical has publish in a security notice details about a new Linux kernel update for its Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) operating system.
The previous kernel update for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (3.2.0-36/3.2.0-36.57) introduced a regression, which made the inotify/fanotify program to stop working.
The issue can be fixed if you upgrade your system(s) to the linux-image-3.2.0-37 (3.2.0-37.58) package(s). To apply the update, run the Update Manager application... (read more) | LibreOffice 4.0.0 RC3 Is Now Available for Testing Feb 3rd 2013, 14:50 The Document Foundation proudly informed us that on February 2 that they unleashed the third and last Release Candidate version of the upcoming LibreOffice 4.0 office suite.
As usual, this release candidate of LibreOffice fixes numerous bugs and all users are encouraged to test it. A detailed changelog can be found here.
The final release of the LibreOffice 4.0 open source office suite should see the light of day next week, when the team will return from FOSDEM. read more) | Livalink FPS Game Arrives on Linux Feb 3rd 2013, 14:36 The independent game studio, Ben4Views, announced on February 2, 2013, a new first-person shooter game, called Livalink, which will be made available for Linux-based operating systems, as well as for Apple’s Mac OS X and Microsoft’s Windows OSes.
Livalink is a 3D FPS (First-Person Shooter) game in which the player takes the role of a Reinforced Intergalactic Livalink Trooper (RILT), in order to fight against increasingly difficult waves of Progeny attackers.
... (read more) | See Samsung's 2-Minute Super Bowl Spot Featuring Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd Feb 3rd 2013, 12:08 Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd try to impress a rep for Samsung in this 2-minute spot set to air during the Super Bowl that pokes fun at itself and other advertisers during the big game. The ad starts with the two meeting up after being separately called for a meeting to pitch ideas to Samsung. Both are surprised that the other was called in to be "The next big thing." "Maybe in 1998 you were the next big thing," Rogen says of Rudd. "Wow, I've never seen you this excited about something that isn't food" Rudd counters. "Are you sure you're not here to see a guy named 'Sam Sung'?" The two then pitch a Samsung rep (Mr. Show's Bob Odenkirk) on ideas that sound strikingly familiar, like t… Continue reading... More About: Paul Rudd, samsung, Seth Rogen, Super Bowl ads | New Sync Menu Landed in Ubuntu 13.04 Feb 3rd 2013, 11:03 With yesterday’s updates, Canonical uploaded a new Indicator Sync, updating the old Ubuntu One indicator, which was used in previous releases of Ubuntu. The Ubuntu development team planned this new Sync Menu for a long time now, and it appears that it will finally become reality in the upcoming Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) operating sys... (read more) | A Gamer's Week: February 3 Feb 3rd 2013, 10:41 This week we have three full Softpedia reviews to deliver: The Cave, an adventure game with quite a bit of added humor from Double Fine, DmC: Devil May Cry, the new Ninja Theory created action title that uses the Capcom character, and another for the second episode of the Erica Reed adventure game. We also have the usual two Weekend Reading features: one f... (read more) | One Million Surface with Windows 8 Pro Tablets Prepared for Launch Feb 3rd 2013, 10:33 The Surface with Windows 8 Pro will go on sale on February 9 and even though everybody expects the new tablet to sell better than the RT version, Microsoft is only planning an initial shipment volume of one million units.
A report by Digitimes and citing sources from the “upstream supply chain” claims that Microsoft is working on a shipment volume that’s three million units lower than the one prepared in October 2012 when the Surface RT got to see daylight. read more) | Ubuntu 13.04 Wallpaper Contest Begins Feb 3rd 2013, 10:20 Canonical announced at the end of January that the Ubuntu Wallpaper Contest for the upcoming 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) operating system is now open for submissions.
Once again, Canonical wants you to submit some quality photos, which can be used as desktop backgrounds for its Ubuntu distribution.
The rules are simple! Therefore, those who want to participate will have to submit only one photo, following the composition guidelines from the Ubuntu Wiki. We should not even me... (read more) | Adobe Reader for Windows 8 Gets New Name, More Features Feb 3rd 2013, 10:12 The Adobe Reader for Windows 8 app has been renamed to Adobe Reader Touch in an attempt to emphasize that this particular version is designed for touch devices running Microsoft’s latest operating system.
In addition, the app is now featuring dedicated options to view sticky note annotations, as well as improved zoom controls for those still using a mouse to access their documents.
Adobe Reader Touch continues to support all Windows 8 versions, including x86, x64 an... (read more) | Lil Wayne Hasn't Seen Nicki Minaj on American Idol Yet [AP] Feb 3rd 2013, 10:09 Lil Wayne may be Nicki Minaj’s mentor but he’s yet to keep up to date with her adventures on American Idol, where she’s one of the four judges on the panel. In fact, he says for the AP, it was Nicki who told him to steer clear of the show.
The other day, Lil Wayne spoke to reporters about his fashion line and, among other things, also revealed the reason why he’s yet to see Nicki on AI.
“When I talk to her she's always tells me, ‘You d... (read more) | Minecraft Replica for Windows 8 Available for Download Feb 3rd 2013, 09:55 While Minecraft creator Markus “Notch” Persson said he has no intention to bring his popular game on the newly-released Windows 8 operating system, an alternative is available right now in the Store.
Called Blockworld, the game is more like a replica that comes with an old-school interface and features similar to the ones implemented into Minecraft. Blockworld is developed by 2.0 Studios and comes with a price tag of $2.49 (€1.80) thanks to a launch discount campaig... (read more) | Amanda Bynes Moves Out of NYC Apartment to Avoid Eviction Feb 3rd 2013, 09:52 Amanda Bynes moved to New York to avoid media attention and, as per her own words, to launch a career as a fashion designer but, so far, she’s had little luck on that first thing. Just as unlucky she’s been with finding a suitable apartment for herself.
As fans must recall, Bynes ditched LA after a series of run-i... (read more) | Oprah Hit with Discrimination Lawsuit Feb 3rd 2013, 09:19 Oprah’s OWN network is being hit with a discrimination lawsuit by a former female employee who claims she was let go after she became pregnant, for requiring medical leave during the pregnancy, it has emerged.
Carolyn Hommel has filed the papers in the Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging network executives fired her only because she becam... (read more) | Chris Kyle Shot and Killed at Gun Range Feb 3rd 2013, 08:59 Chris Kyle, a former US Navy SEAL, war hero and best-selling author, has been shot and killed in an attack that took place at a Texas gun range. Police already have a suspect in custody, it has emerged.
Kyle, who wrote the book “American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in US Military History,” about his 150+ kills of insurgents from 1999 to 2009, was one of the two victims of the attack, the Huffington Post reports.
The other is believed ... (read more) | BioWare Founder Matches Beer Styles with Video Game Genres Feb 3rd 2013, 06:40 Greg Zeschuk, co-founder of BioWare and former role-playing game supervisor at Electronic Arts, is ready to tell players which style of beer works best with a video game genre.
Talking to Joystiq, the Mass Effect and Dragon Age creator says, “I think that's probably an IPA. They've got some depth, and they've got some bite, and you want a slightly complex but very forward beer for an Action RPG.”
For adventure fans, Zeschuk recommends a barleywine, which lends... (read more) | IM+ for Android Updated with Czech Localization and Bug Fixes Feb 3rd 2013, 02:31 The folks at SHAPE offer a complete messaging solution for mobile devices with IM+. The application is available on multiple platform and supports most major instant messaging services.
Currently, IM+ supports the following services: Facebook, Skype (as in-app purchase), MSN/Live Messenger, Google Talk, Yahoo!, AIM/iChat, ICQ, RenRen, Jabber, MeinVZ, Gadu-Gadu, mig33, SINA Weibo, Fetion, Mamba.Ru, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki.Ru, Yandex IM and Mail.Ru Agent.
The latest update... (read more) | Boat Browser for Android 5.1 Now Available for Download Feb 3rd 2013, 02:01 With more than 1 million downloads on Google Play Store, Boat Browser is starting to look pretty promising. It looks like developers made important improvements to the application and added lots of new features and enhancements.
The latest version of Boat Browser comes with support for gestures. Obviously, those who are not into gestures thingy can disable this feature from the Settings page.
It is also worth mentioning developers promise they will add a new capability in... (read more) | Temple Run 2 for Android Update Improves Performance on Older Devices Feb 3rd 2013, 01:31 The fastest growing mobile game, Temple Run 2 has just received a new update that is said to improve performance on various devices.
Created by Imangi Studios, Temple Run 2 reached 50 million download in the first three days since its release. The latest version promises better performance on older Android devices. In addition, several major issues have been fixed as well, check them all below:
- Fixed track pop-in; - Fixed bug which caused the same objective to be s... (read more) | Download Cubasis 1.1 with Audiobus Support Feb 3rd 2013, 00:41 Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH has released Cubasis 1.1, a new version of the company’s multitouch sequencer for the iPad which adds audio engine improvements, support for Audiobus, and several bug fixes.
Cubasis lets music aficionados record, edit and mix tracks in CD audio quality. It provides Key and Sample Editors, and includes a mixer and audio effects for production-ready results.
Version 1.1 is out in the App Store this week with Audiobus support, audio en... (read more) | Flipboard for Android Update Brings New Features and Improvements Feb 3rd 2013, 00:31 There's a new version of Flipboard available for download on Google Play Store. Android fans will be happy to know developers fixed some of the issues brought in by previous updates, and added a few new features.
With the latest version of Flipboard, users will be able to select “Save image to device” for any post with an image and it will be saved to your Gallery. In order to access this option users will only need to tap and hold on the post or open the sharing menu. read more) | Windows 8 and Mac OS X Make Way, Steam for Linux Is Coming Through Feb 3rd 2013, 00:01 Launching Steam for Linux has been great move for Valve and it seems that the adoption rate for the new platform is amazing.
The digital distribution platform has been launched four months ago, in a limited fashion at first. After exiting the closed beta, the number of users that powered up Steam using a Linux system has been increasing steadily.
Ubuntu 12.04 (and Ubuntu 12.10 implicitly) is the Valve recommended platform for Steam, but other distributions can run it as w... (read more) | Download Maxthon for Android Feb 2nd 2013, 23:31 The latest version of Maxthon brings new Cloud features into the mix, along with some bug fixes that will surely improve users' overall experience.
Two new features have been added in Maxthon 4.0.3 for Android device:
- Notification sound when Cloud Push is successful; - Supports access to phone address book in Cloud Push.
However, keep in mind the latter is only available for devices powered by Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and up.
Some issu... (read more) | Nokia Gets Grant to Develop Graphene, the 'World's Strongest Material' Feb 2nd 2013, 23:25 Finnish multinational communications giant Nokia is set to develop graphene, a "super-material" that will be the strongest in the world, thanks to a $1.35 billion grant from the European Union. The grant comes from the EU's future and emerging technologies program (FET), whose mission is "to promote high risk research, offset by potential breakthrough with high technological or societal impact." Nokia is part of the Graphene Flagship Consortium, a group of industry leaders "looking to improve the world using graphene," which is the name of the super-material being developed by the group. SEE ALSO: Nokia Music+ Offers $3.99 Premium Streaming Service Graphene is super-thin -- only… Continue reading... More About: European Union, Newsy, Nokia, telecommunications | Cairo 1.12.12 Repairs a MSAA Backend Memory Leak Feb 2nd 2013, 23:21 Cairo, a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices, that produces consistent results on all rendered media, while taking advantage of display hardware acceleration when available, is now at version 1.12.12.
Highlights of Cairo 1.12.12:
• Avoid replacing the entire image when uploading subimages; • Fix typos in detecting multisampling for the GL (MSAA) backend; • Fix a memory leak in the GL (MSAA) backend; • Fix a refe... (read more) | Download Little Inferno for iPhone and iPad Feb 2nd 2013, 23:21 Experimental Gameplay Group has released Little Inferno, a twisted adventure game for iPhone and iPad that takes place almost entirely in front of a fireplace.
Designed by the makers of World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth, this puzzling adventure is about “looking up up up out of the chimney, and the cold world just on the other side of the wall,” according to the game’s official description.
Little Inferno is localized in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, a... (read more) | Top 10 Tech This Week Feb 2nd 2013, 22:43
1. The Robot That Will Extract Water From the Moon The Regolith Advanced Surface Systems Operations Robot -- RASSOR, is an excavator robot designed to extract water, ice, and fuel from the soil of the moon, and from the soil of similarly dusty bodies (like, say, Mars). Learn more about this futuristic robot: Image courtesy of NASA Click here to view this gallery. It was another exciting week in tech, with a major announcement -- the new BlackBerry 10, and a slew of other great stories. The biggest story of the week was probably the launch of a new flagship phone, the touchscreen-only BlackBerry 10. The product that the company, now named simply BlackBerry, has bet its entire future on. The other two product announcements were not as earth-shattering perhaps, but still significant: Apple confirmed it's launching a 128GB iPad and Nokia launched a Spotify competitor. SEE ALSO: Previous editions of Top 10 Tech This Week It was a great week for science and robotics too. NASA unveiled a bot that will mine the moon, and we had the chance to see ho… Continue reading... More About: Top 10 Tech, Top 10 Tech This Week | 5 Fascinating Facts We Learned From Reddit This Week Feb 2nd 2013, 22:20
1. The Beatles officially broke up in Disney World. How could something so terrible happen at the happiest place on Earth? John Lennon was staying at the Polynesian Resort hotel on Dec. 29, 1974 when he received and signed the paperwork that legally dissolved the Fab Four. He was the last member to ink the documents, officially closing pop music's most important chapter in the shadow of Mickey Mouse. Image courtesy of Flickr, SarahElizabethC. Click here to view this gallery. If you've ever wanted to learn how to game the French lottery of 1728 (and who hasn't, amirite?), you've come to the right place. This week's edition of Reddit Facts has some delightful tidbits about the Fab Four, a famous photograph and a funky fruit. Homepage image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. More About: features, reddit, reddit facts, Social Media | Not a Sports Fan? Here's Your Guide to Super Bowl 2013 Betting Feb 2nd 2013, 22:03 With Sunday's Super Bowl XLVII, even the non-sports fans in the office have become interested in the financial aspects of American football's biggest game, which also happens to be the single biggest-gambling day of the year -- last year, more than $93 million was on the line in the United States, and some estimate that world-wide gambling on the game could be as much as $8 billion. We're not football experts here, however, so if you really want to risk your hard-earned lucre on Super Bowl 2013 betting, listen to this guy. But we can compare the Las Vegas odds of various Super Bowl happenings with the InTrade odds of real world events to put everything in perspective. Note that sports… Continue reading... More About: gambling, Super Bowl, Super Bowl 2013, Super Bowl XLVII | Astronaut Demonstrates the Bizarre Experience of Living in Space Feb 2nd 2013, 21:32 Let's get real: Deep down, we all really want to be astronauts when we grow up. Probably because we never really outgrow the awe we first felt for outer space; the vastness, the infinite possibilities for exploration, the unknown. More importantly, we wonder, what would life in space be like for our gravity-normalized minds and bodies? On Wednesday, Jan. 30, some 200 Canadian elementary school children gathered in the country's Aviation and Space Museum in Ottawa to find out. Cmdr. Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station, was on hand, live from space, to answer any and all questions the kids could come up with about what it's like to inhabit th… Continue reading... More About: Chris Hadfield, International Space Station, space | 8 Apps You Don't Want To Miss Feb 2nd 2013, 20:53
THX tune-up THX launched THX tune-up this week, an app designed to help you set up your home theater system. The interactive app offers detailed instructions and help to set up your television's aspect ratio, brightness, contrast, color, and tint appropriately. It also helps you test your speakers to ensure they're connected to the correct audio/video receiver (AVR) output, and checks to make sure all your speaker wires are connected correctly and in phase. Click here to view this gallery. It can be tough to keep up with all the new apps released every week. But you're in luck -- we take care of that for you, creating a roundup each weekend of our favorite new and updated apps. This week we found an app that will help make sure your home theater is set up perfectly for the big game, and another that will help you find new friends to have dinner with if you'd rather go out. A new app for businesses helps owners learn more about their recent and most faithful customers, and a new Star Trek app awards fans for their support with exclusive content. Take a look at the gallery above for a look at this week's highlights. Still looking for more? Check out last week's Apps … Continue reading... More About: android, App, apps, iOS, weekly app roundup | Baltimore vs. San Francisco: 'The Wire' and 'Full House' Mashup Feb 2nd 2013, 20:31 The Baltimore Ravens square off with the San Francisco 49ers at Super Bowl XLVII on Sunday. Competitiveness between the opposite coast cities has already inspired plenty of trash talking between Baltimoreans and San Franciscans -- Charm City versus the City by the Bay. Football is a great American pastime and all, but imagine if the Super Bowl took a pop culture twist. Instead of burly men in tight pants, each city was represented by a television show that took place in their respective cities. Imagine no more because we've matched up the Baltimore and San Francisco's most representative TV shows -- The Wire and Full House, of course -- in a battle for Super Bowl rivalry bragging… Continue reading... More About: Super Bowl, The Wire, viral videos, Watercooler | 10 Sassy Twitter Accounts to Follow on Super Bowl Sunday Feb 2nd 2013, 20:17 SportsPickle has mastered the sarcastic sports axiom. Check 'em out on your second screen during the big game. Mashable composite, images courtesy of Flickr, frankenstoen and via Twitter Click here to view this gallery. Being a Twitter sports pundit is a game within the game. Fans of social media and sports know that chatter about the game on Twitter is often as entertaining as the game itself. If the ref makes an awful call, a coach does something stupid (or really cool) or the commentators miss a beat, someone will immediately and succinctly let them hear about it on Twitter. Conversely, Twitter is also a place to praise an excellent performance -- though much less often. SEE ALSO: 36% of Viewers Will Use Second Screen During Super Bowl Scroll through the gallery above for 10 Twitter accounts to follow during the Super Bowl. Most were selected because they're funny -- some intentionally, some… Continue reading... More About: features, gallery, Social Media, Sports, Super Bowl, Twitter | |